Monday, June 02, 2008

The year in review

Murph turned 1 this weekend, and I was filled with wonder, joy, and a bit of sadness all at the same time. I get weekly updates on where he "should" be developmentally, and this was the first week that instead of saying "Your Baby" it said "Your Toddler"

In the weeks leading up to his birthday I would look at him and still be amazed that a year before I didn't even know that Murph was a Murph. We had chosen to be surprised with his gender and so we didn't know what his name would be. Heck we didn't know that HE was going to be a HE.

On his birthday he allowed us all to sleep in to a very respectable 7 am. Not bad for a kid who is usually up at 4:30. We celebrated with pancakes, and I even let him have a bit of syrup. He was a sticky giggling mess, and I loved it!

So I've been thinking a lot about the last year. It has gone by faster than he can run and get into the dog's water dish, but has been just incredible.

We have this amazing little boy who finds finds joy in everything!

He makes us laugh everyday with the things he does. Even when he's being defiant and strong-willed like Daddy.

He has a Mommy, Daddy, brothers and an extended family who adore him

He has GREAT friends

He runs, he climbs, he carrys on entire conversations with us and the dog. Everyday he is doing something new. His mind moves faster than his little feet, so that means big trouble for everyone around!

I can't wait to see what the next 50 or 60 years have in store for him!