Wednesday, July 02, 2008


As the mother of an infant, it's amazing that I haven't had to discuss this topic before now.

It's only in the last few days with a couple of events happening in the house that I've been thinking about it way more than one would want.

I remember being about 7 or 8 and my parents calling my sisters and I into the bathroom for a family meeting. What happened next was a lesson on toilet paper usage. We were shown how to wipe, fold then wipe again. Aparently we had been using WAY too much. I remember thinking that my parents were insane. But then again this wasn't the first time I had thought that. But we were never called back for another TP conference, so I guess my sisters and I got the idea.

I need to have my parents offer the course again.

Our oldest boys arrived for the summer this weekend.

Since that time we've had two "incidents". The lesser is the fact that while doing laundry I've had to fold skid marked skivies. "I only use a piece this big to wipe my butt," was the response we got from Eldest. The bigger incident is that poor Chief had to unclog the toilet that had been filled to the brim with toilet paper. Well it had been clogged once, and then "used" the second time. "I had a whole lot of poop on my butt" was the response that time mubbled from Deuce. Even the steel stomached Chief about lost it on that household task. "Next time just get your @ss in the shower!" cried the Chief!

And here I thought that having Murph try to grab the poopy diaper would be the most disgusting thing I would have to deal with this week!


Carol said...

I'm laughing so hard right now! Just out of curiosity, was it the same boy in both incidents? If not, they have a lot to learn from each other. I don't remember every having the TP talk growing up...

But Noah does the Murph thing too, of reaching into his diaper and sticking his little fingers in the poo. So irritating!

Jay said...

This is just too funny... I never had a TP talk growing up either and Jayla is definitely in the putting my finger into my diaper while it's messy trick...

Maybe you guys need those wet wipes for older children to get the poop to be gone for good... I hate skid marks in kids underwear...

Kate said...

He's not an infant anymore!! Nanny nanny boo boo!!! I am so surprised I was never given the TP talk. I think my dad wasted too much energy telling us to turn off the lights.

XOXO said...

Ha! skid marks! My favorite part of all this is that you blogged about poop! Remember that time there was no TP and I had no choice but to get my arse in the shower? So flipping funny.

thirdworstpoetinthegalaxy said...
